F-105 Pilot
by John Alberts
This F-105 pilot is a 1/32 resin casting from Carter and Crowley. The kit was a one piece casting with the base being separate. I added a Magic Sculpt epoxy putty patch to each shoulder–one patch is the famous “100 Missions over North Vietnam” worn on left sleeve. The right arm sleeve is a patch for the 357th TFS of the 355 TFW.
Details of the patches and unit can be found in Squadron/Signals “F 105 Thunderchief” book by Lou Drendel. The figure was base coated in Vallejo acrylics then painted in oils. The oil mixture for flesh is burnt sienna, titanium white, naples yellow, ochre, and cadmium red. The flight suit and g-suit were mixed from viridian, sap green, red, and titanium white.
The blue cap was mixed from blue black and white. The helmet was white with glaze of neutral tint, then additional glazes of white. The stripes on helmet are lemon yellow. The patches were painted with acrylics.
Photo by Jeff Junker