Holt 75 Artillery Tractor
by Gil Gonsoulin
If you are interested in building the Holt 75 Artillery Tractor, the first thing to remember is that it’s a Roden kit !
With that said here’s what you’re in for. It’s better to build the kit in separate sections and test fit them first before assembly. Things are pretty straight forward till you get to step 7. Assembly of the front wheel is a nightmare.
After this things go OK till you come to step 17. For some unknown reason the fenders ends are molded with the ends turned upward and you have to straighten them. Be careful not to bend them too far or you’ll break them. With the tread pattern on the top, that would create a real problem.
The model was painted with Model Master, Tamiya and Floquil paints. Winsor/Newton oils were used in weathering .
Photos by Jeff Junker