Tamiya 1/35 Marder IIIM
by Joe Baudier
I built Tamiya’s Marder pretty much straight out of the box. It took me about 4 months to do. The model was primed with Model Masters Flat white. The base coat is Tamiya XF60 Dark yellow. Next I sprayed the model with Future floor wax and applied the decals.
This was followed by spraying filter coasts of Model Master Burnt Umber, then dry brushing it with Humbrol 94 Dark yellow
The tracks are from the kit, but look like Friul metal track. They were painted with dark earth and then dry brushed with Model Master steel.
I used a fine mesh for the exhaust screen. It came with a photo etch screen in the kit, but it wouldn’t hold it’s shape. I later learned that I should have annealed it by wrapping it around a dowel and heating the photo etch.
The ammo are the Tamiya brass rounds; ground work is done with Celluclay.
Photos by Jeff Junker