Hub Hobby Shop

Trumpeter King Tiger Tank

1/16 scale Tiger Tank

by David Clarke

king tiger tank


Trumpeter’s 1/16 scale King Tiger is BIG! And it also requires a lot of modification if you want to build it to a more accurate standard than what’s supplied in the kit.


king tiger tank


Parts such as the ammo racks, chair, and fan blades were all incorrect; other pieces simply were not supplied.

king tiger tank


At the two year mark (working on and off), I’ve made a lot of progress on the hull.


king tiger tank


I also had to use some AFV resin parts and do a lot of scratch building (such as the ammo racks and chair)


king tiger tank


This project is still very much a work-in-progress. I figure it could be two more years before I finish it!


Photos by Jeff Junker